Upgrading from FX 8350 to i7 4790k?


Nov 30, 2013
I was looking at the Microcenter bundle deals for the i7, and a processor and mobo combination would be $335, plus an additional $90 for windows 8. Currently I'm sporting an 8350 running at 4.3 GHz, but I'm looking for something more. Is this worth it?

Depends on what you're doing really.
But it wouldn't really make a difference anyway. No matter if you're playing games, rendering videos. The experience would be very simular. Even though the 4790 has better single-threaded performance.

Since you would have to get a new motherboard I'd suggest against upgrading.
I'll be playing mildly intensive games on it. The Battlefield series, Far Cry series, and Assassins Creed series, though I don't know what games I'll be purchasing in the future. I'm also going to be doing some rendering on Cinema 4D. I've had this CPU for a year and I think it's just about time for an upgrade, and it is hard to resist the deals they have there at MicroCenter.

I've got a fan that'll definitely cool it, and an 850w psu, by the way.