Upgrading From GTX 660 to r9 280x


Jun 29, 2014
Basically....is it worth the money to upgrade? Would the performance gain be noticeable or should i wait for something else?
Meh, a good bit of performance, but it is a little bit of an expensive upgrade for the little performance boost. Either way, it would be a great upgrade, and you wouldn't be disappointed with it.

Well i went ahead and nabbed it since its about on par with a 680/770 for a heck of a lot cheaper and i wanted to make sure i take advantage of the new 144 hz monitor i just bought Thanks for your input though helped me make the decision RIP Wallet

Yeah, I know what you are saying. The Sapphire one is great. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202046&cm_re=Sapphire_r9_280x-_-14-202-046-_-Product