Upgrading from Hero VIII to Hero VIII alpha will I lose my HD data?

Why? Is something wrong with your current board? To answer your question yes the OS should normally be reinstalled when swapping motherboards, but those boards are pretty much identical so you may not even have to I bet they use the same drivers. Do you have a retail windows key you can reuse to activate windows on the new board.?

I have been having issues with my GPU. I was going to reseat it. I unscrewed it and I unlocked it but when I pulled the card out it pulled out the connector as well. Now the only thing on my mobo is the wires from the connector.

Oh man. Did you try to RMA it? Might be covered.

I looked at the drivers for the hero and hero alpha and some of them do look to be different, so I would reinstall the OS if you do get a new board. But if you aren't using a retail copy of windows you might have trouble reusing your activation key.
I was able to get the card working in the second gpu slot. I will try to RMA but if they wont do it is it safe to still use the mobo with the wires from the first gpu connector exposed?