Upgrading from i3-2120 to i5-3570k worth the trouble


Jan 30, 2012
Hello Experts,

I have a pretty old rig, with a LGA 1155 slot that can pretty much only accomodate an i5-3570k as the best CPU upgrade from my i3-2120.

My question is will I see any gaming improvement from this upgrade if I do choose to do it? I.e. will I be able to squeeze 5-10 extra FPS in Battlefield 1 by doing this or is it a waste of time and I should just start over, change MB and processor for starts (which brings budgeting issues)?

I am currently able to play Battlefield 1 with the current processor on low settings but there are some moments where FPS drops substantially.

My graphic card is GTX 750Ti, and I have 8gig gaming ram in the machine.
If the price difference between the i5 3570k and i7 3770k is to large then then he will be fine with the i5. He can overclock on that motherboard with the i5 and that should give good results. That's if he has good enough cooling.
Yes I think you should see a noticeable improvement. The GTX 750Ti might be a little under powered but on low settings with a I5 3570K you should have high and stable FPS.

What motherboard do you use?

It's worth the upgrade in my opinion. Single threaded performance will be substantially better. Games love true quad cores. Be sure to upgrade your bios before doing so though.

Hi, thank all of you guys for your answers, I have a Gigabyte Z68MA-D2H-B3 -http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3855#ov
If the price difference between the i5 3570k and i7 3770k is to large then then he will be fine with the i5. He can overclock on that motherboard with the i5 and that should give good results. That's if he has good enough cooling.