Upgrading from i5-2400


Jul 11, 2017
So, right now, I am running an intel i5-2400 and really find it lacking. I am wanting to game/stream and start to get into editing.

My current setup includes 12gb ram, rx 470, an intel dq67ow mobo, a 3tb hdd, and a thermaltake smart650w psu.

Im wondering if i should grab an i7-2600 for approx. $100 or if i should grab ryzen.

The list i have for the ryzen is this: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/zPTqnn
Note: gpu, psu, and hdd are already owned.

I've been debating for a couple weeks about upgrading to the i7 for now, and upgrading to ryzen during black friday sales.

I have an extra mobo and 4gb ram that i would put the i5 in and use as a htpc/dedicated security system pc, or sell it.

What are your thoughts?
For games, there will be very small performance improvement, but for editing and streaming, the performance will be better, someting around 15%, because higher clocks and hyperthreading.
I had looked into that, but I don't believe my board supports 3rd gen. Highest supported cpu listed for the board is the i7 2700k.

I know quite a few early gen 2 boards support gen 3 with bios update, but have been unable to see if mine supports it.
You're right, it doesn't supports 3rd generation Intel processors. If you don't want to spend too much on upgrade, take the i7, if you need more powerful processor than i7, take the Ryzen. Also, if you want to take Ryzen, you don't need 1600x, 1600 is more worth it and can be overclocked to same clock as 1600x. You don't need watercooling for Ryzen, cheaper air cooling would be more than enough. And the most important, you absolutely don't need motherboard for 260 bucks, this motherboard is much more worth it: https://pcpartpicker.com/product/PHyxFT/asus-prime-x370-a-atx-am4-motherboard-prime-x370-a Only thing it lacks is SLI support, and you use AMD graphics, so you don't need it I think.
I do eventually plan on getting ryzen later, but my budget for that wouldnt come for a little while, and i would just get the parts during holiday sales and save a few bucks then, as well. That mobo had some features that i wanted that a few other boards didnt, and a lot of io options, as well as room to expand. If AMD sticks to their word about mainstream staying on am4 for a few yrs, it would also be viable to keep during an upgrade. Another (kinda stupid) reason is aesthetics... As for the 1600x over 1600, I would probably end up jumping to the 1700 anyways.

My main concern is do you think the 2600 would have a significant improvement in performance to be worth $100 for the next 5 months? I currently play BF1, ME:A, GTA V, CSGO, and PUBG, mainly.
For games, there will be very small performance improvement, but for editing and streaming, the performance will be better, someting around 15%, because higher clocks and hyperthreading.