Upgrading from Ryzen 5 1600


Dec 17, 2017
I have a $500 budget and im looking to upgrade from the 1600.
Ive been undecided between the I7 7700k or the new Ryzen 7 2700x

I mainly game and i might want to get into video recording and streaming in the future.
please help.....
An upgrade to i7 7700k will add minimal performance gain in games, not to mention it will deteriorate in multicore rendering. Simply not worth changing MB and CPU. On the other side, the 2700x will cost less since it runs on the existing AM4 socket. It will not give you a remarkable gain in games, but difference in video recording should be substantial.
An upgrade to i7 7700k will add minimal performance gain in games, not to mention it will deteriorate in multicore rendering. Simply not worth changing MB and CPU. On the other side, the 2700x will cost less since it runs on the existing AM4 socket. It will not give you a remarkable gain in games, but difference in video recording should be substantial.
2700x seems good plus you can keep your old mobo if its b350 or so. And a decent cooler for OC'ng.Buying the i7 is not good choice because your also buying a new board for a few performance gain.Update your bios before selling your 1600.