Upgrading gaming rig and Intel vs AMD


Jul 16, 2014
New question. I already own an AMD MOBO and FX-6100 CPU, but since I'm going to upgrade the CPU for gaming purposes, would it be better to buy an Intel MOBO/CPU or just grab an fx-8350? What Intel CPU would be be an improvement over the fx-8350 for gaming purposes? Also, it's been mentioned that my current MOBO isn't too impressive, would it be worth upgrading anyway?

The thing is, if I buy an Intel chip I need a new MOBO, so unless it's a worthy improvement over my current MOBO with an fx-8350 it's not worth paying extra $$$

This will be my end upgraded build, some items below I already own and are part of my old build, these will be marked with a * , but if some of the already owned hardware will bottleneck or conflict with the new items, please, let me know:

*MOBO: Asus AMD m5a97LE


GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 (http://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-GDDR5-4GB-WINDFORCE-Graphics-GV-N770OC-4GD/dp/B00CU9GOAO/ref=cm_cd_ql_qh_dp_t)

*RAM: 2x 4GB Kingston sticks

*HDD: WD Blue 500GB (Will probably upgrade to a 512 GB SSD later)

PSU: XFX PRO750W Core Edition 80+ Bronze ATX 750

Will that PSU easily run this machine or do I want to opt for another?

Thanks to those who answered my question regarding the PSU upgrade and sorry I didn't mention earlier that some of the hardware in my future build are already owned as part of my current rig.

Thanks in advance,

An ignoramus.

You cant use the graphics cards together

Use a dual channel RAM kit .
2 x4 gig .
The extra stick forces you in to single channel and will slow you down fractionally in almost every situation

If you dont have that mb already then buy a better one . Like a version that is not "LE "

no you cannot use 7770 and 770 together...
buy a 1 tb hdd instead its like its like 5 -6 $ more that the 512gb........
and about your psu..... cx series from corsair are the worst psu ever....get a 600 - 650 watt of seasonic or xfx psu they are reliable ones....
here is a link for u

Thanks, should the 750W version be sufficient for this build and any future nonsense?

The cx series are corsair's worst psu, the cs series are better http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GMIPO46/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
and 750watt is enough for sli ect for the future so thumbs up for the 750watt

if u want a good psu from crosair then go with this one .....

and 750watt is a overkill for that system 770 needs 42 amps on 12+ volt so a good 550 watt psu will be enough but keeping some headroom buy a 600 - 650 watt psu which are more than enough .....if u are thinking about fure upgrade like sli ...then buy a 850 watt psu.....
750 watt is a overkill for a single gtx 770 and not enough for 2x gtx 770...

The Corsair CP series is great but I would get a Seasonic 620W or XFX 650W power supply.