Upgrading GPU, Current Sapphire HD 7750, Budget ~$200


Oct 6, 2014
I am looking to upgrade my GPU and wanted to start collecting some suggestions.

MSI 460GM-p34FX Motherboard
AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz
8GB DDR3 1333
Corsair Builder Series CX 600 Watt ATX/EPS
Current Card: SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 7750 1GB 128-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 x16

I mainly play GuildWars 2 in high population areas and am hoping to increase FPS as the current set up drops to ~15 or 20 FPS in large fights. I believe I am playing at 1920x1080.

I am concerned about understanding any limitations the MOBO may pose to my choices as I bought a cyberpower deal off newegg and have slowly been working on it. I have upgraded the PSU and GPU to the current state.

Any advice on how to improve my performance and what GPU's I should consider would be great thanks.

An MSI 760 would be a nice upgrade for you. It's $215, but it comes with a $30 MIR.
I'll take a look thanks, I have been looking into the Radeon R9 280 based on the price for performance charts in Septembers blog article if anyone has any feedback on it for my equipment.

The 280 is a good choice. It will be slightly faster than a 760 in many games. Take a look at the ASUS DirectCU II 280.

I purchased a Cyberpower prebuilt awhile back which appears to use this RAIDMAX ATX-321WB

I measured the GPU space last night at it appears that I have about 10.5 inches between the back bracket and the harddrive rack. I believe that this is because of where they mounted the motherboard on the higher end of the case. the GPU slot happens to line up exactly with the top of the HD rack so if i had a longer card it would either bend it slightly or not fit at all. It is possible that the front edge of a longer card would taper in enough to clear without any modifications but I hate to buy something only to find out it doesn't fit.

I am fairly amateur when it comes to PC building so the thought of trying to move the MOBO is quite intimidating.

The motherboard should be in it's correct placement.

Don't buy from Newegg in this case. Many of their cards have a replacement only return policy, so if it happens to not fit, you will be stuck with the card. Buy from Amazon instead.