Upgrading GPU for my rig


Oct 1, 2016
I am going to buy a GTX 1080 or gtx 1070 for my rig and I am looking for some insight. I would really appreciate it.
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770
Motherboard: ASRock Z68 Pro3 Gen3
Storage: 1TB SSD
PSU: 600W
RAM: 2*4GB DDR3 1866mhz

What do you guys think? Bottlenecks, ideas?
Which card you pick should depend on the resolution and framerate you want to play at. The 1070 is an excellent 1080p144 and 1440p60 card, and the 1080 is good for decent 4K gameplay, depending on settings of course. Personally I think the 1080 is overkill for the rest of the build, you'll likely encounter some minor bottlenecking with the 3770. I'd go for the 1070 since you likely won't have to upgrade your PSU and the bottleneck will be negligible.

I see your point, but I would really like to play 4K in the future so I was thinking a little bottlenecking wouldn't hurt too much until I got myself a new cpu. But the CPU as a bottleneck is one of my main concerns. The PSU size also got me thinking. I tried using http://pcpartpicker.com/list/yRs4pb to check for compatibility and how much power they recommend. It is way under 600W, which confused me.
Ah, yeah, for 4K a 1080 wouldn't go to waste. A 3770 is still plenty fast but you'd likely notice the difference between it and, say, an i7-6700K in GTA V or Cities Skylines. Your PSU is fine for either a 1070 or 1080; I just thought it was possible that your current PSU wouldn't have the right connectors for a 1080 but it definitely does. So never mind about the PSU not being enough :)

Hmm well I just choose a model there for 600 W. how do I check for the pins. This is an area I don't think I understand :)
You'll have to examine all of the connectors coming out of the PSU and see if any of them look like this:

You'll have to match up the number of these connectors you have with the number of connectors on the graphics card. The image on the top can function as either a 6-pin or an 8-pin, so factor that in accordingly.

So far I understand and now I have been looking into the model I have online to see which connectors it has.
This is the model: http://www.corsair.com/en/builder-series-cx600-v2-80plus-certified-power-supply
I am having a hard time finding the information about the different connectors.

PS. My rig is in Europe, where I am from, but I am living in California now and plan to buy the upgrades here in the States before I go home. I am waiting until Black Friday / Cyber Monday before I buy. Just trying to understand every aspect so I make a correct purchase. So thank you very much for all the help so far!

while the 1080 can play 4k, it does so with compromised settings

I would suggest a much better idea: a gtx 1070 with a 1440p monitor

when a great single card for 4k comes along, then make the switch

Thank you so much :) I see where you got the information.

Well, from the comments it seems that the first thing you suggested, the GTX 1070, is the best solution for my current build!