Upgrading Graphics Card From AMD Radeon HD 6770


Apr 20, 2015
(This is my first post, so if I do something wrong, please inform me.)

Recently I have been considering upgrading my graphics card to something a little more powerful, particularly due to many recent game releases I cant run very well, at least not on minimum graphics settings.

I was looking at news cards but I haven't a clue on what kind would be suitable for my uses.

my current card is a AMD Radeon HD 6770, I was hoping I could get something of the same vein, but with more oomph behind it. any information on the matter would be useful, Please and Thank you.

My current specs:
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6770 (the 1GB GDDR5 Model)
CPU: AMD Phenom 2 X4 960T, 3 Ghz, Quad Core
Motherboard: ASRock M3A770DE
Power Source: Corsair TX650M
RAM: 2 sets of Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2x 4GB)
HDD: 1 2TB Seagate HDD, 1 500GB Seagate HDD (currently unused)
OS: Windows 7 home Premium

I got the parts for my Computer a couple years ago as part of a gift, I put it together myself, starting with just 2 sticks of ram (8GB,) and the 0.5TB HDD.

If there is any other info that is required, please don't hesitate to ask, I will find it to the best of my ability.

Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: ok, I know pretty much what I would like to get, but I have one final question, if I were to get a more powerful card that WOULD be bottlenecked by my CPU, could I use it to the best that it can with this setup, then later upgrade my CPU/motherboard and be able use it with no issues? Or would the bottlenecking cause some kind of damage?
If you want to spend around $200: amd 280 or gtx 960
If you want to spend around $300: amd 290x or gtx 970

Unfortunately, If you spend over $200 you are going to possibly see some bottlenecks with the 290x and gtx 970. I would reccomend getting a gtx 960.
If you want to spend around $200: amd 280 or gtx 960
If you want to spend around $300: amd 290x or gtx 970

Unfortunately, If you spend over $200 you are going to possibly see some bottlenecks with the 290x and gtx 970. I would reccomend getting a gtx 960.
@Pjgmaster, maybe around $300ish?

@XxMongermaniacxX, I would like to get an AMD card if possible, the 280 looks nice, but what kind of bottlenecks would I encounter with the 290x?

(edit: spelling)

I think quite alot with the 290x. I really dont think you will see that much of a performance gain between a 280x and a 290x because the gpu usage will be quite low. after all, your processor is only $129, and it is from around 2011. I honestly would upgrade your cpu before your gpu, but I think a 280x will be perfect...

I would suggest getting either the MSI twin frozr card, or the ASUS direct cuii card. The asus card will run quieter with lower temps. But the msi card does that, but just looks badass as well.

hope this helps!
With that CPU, i would recommend the 270X, 280 or 280X. Anything higher might be bottlenecked by the platform. Even with the 270X, you will feel a big difference. I swapped a HD 7770 for a 270X and the FPS almost doubled.
so if I was planning to upgrade my CPU/Ect. at a later date, would getting a better card be a good idea for the long run? could I prevent the stuttering in some way?

(sorry for the continuous questions)
I would recommend to spend big on new platform (CPU + mobo + RAM) because it will last longer. My platform usually sees 1 or 2 GPU upgrades along the years.

Your current platform is not bad, but will get outdated soon. My advice is to upgrade the GPU to something like AMD 270X or Nvidia GTX960 and save the money for a future new platform.

so if I was planning to upgrade my CPU/Ect. at a later date, would getting a better card be a good idea for the long run? could I prevent the stuttering in some way?
I presume you are having FPS spikes (occasional FPS drops below 10 FPS). If you are playing the game on lowest settings, you will need to upgrade your GPU.

Edit: What is the game you get "stutter" in? Is it in all games or only one?
it doesn't stutter currently, I was asking about if I got a new card that would be bottlenecked by my setup. currently its more of just general low fps, and some input lag (enough to make shooting in games a lot harder.)

I don't encounter much of an issue with games year or so old, its just new releases (GTAV, average fps is about 30-20) or very graphic intensive games (Farcry3, constant input lag) that I have problems with, and most other games (PAYDAY 2 for example,) I have to drop the settings down to run without issues.

however this info may become irrelevant soon, I was given the option of handing my comp down to a sibling who has an old machine that barely runs without overheating, and getting money towards a new build.

I am seriously considering that, but it would mean I would be stuck with my current setup a while longer while I research parts and whatnot.