Upgrading Graphics Card Or Ram


Sep 21, 2015
just wondering what is needed more: New graphics card or ram.
I have currently a 750 ti. Been using it for 3-4 years now and I have been able to play all these new games somehow on low with 55-60 (except rust but don't get me started on that game) I also have 8gb ram. im ordering a SSD and told myself might aswell upgrade more of the pc. I dont play that many heavy games so im just looking at a 1050ti. I guess my question is: upgrading to 16gb ram a better idea than a gpu upgrade?
Depends on what games you play, but overall a Graphics Card will offer far more performance improvement as only a few modern titles require 16GB for noticeably improved performance at the current time. It's definitely something you'll want to do soon, but you'll get a far better Gaming experience with a 1050 Ti + 8GB RAM over 750 Ti + 16GB RAM. As for which GPU you should get, could you list your CPU to make sure it won't be a bottleneck? 1050 Ti / RX 570 / 470 are good budget cards for 1080p Medium/High settings in most modern titles, and excellent for Esports titles but just want to make sure your CPU isn't going to hold it back if you upgrade. Hope this helps! :)
Depends on what games you play, but overall a Graphics Card will offer far more performance improvement as only a few modern titles require 16GB for noticeably improved performance at the current time. It's definitely something you'll want to do soon, but you'll get a far better Gaming experience with a 1050 Ti + 8GB RAM over 750 Ti + 16GB RAM. As for which GPU you should get, could you list your CPU to make sure it won't be a bottleneck? 1050 Ti / RX 570 / 470 are good budget cards for 1080p Medium/High settings in most modern titles, and excellent for Esports titles but just want to make sure your CPU isn't going to hold it back if you upgrade. Hope this helps! :)
To add
RAM prices are still outrageous.
Nvidia next gen cards will be released soon... in a month? or two? 😀 anyway, keep an eye out for sales. Nvidia will want to move old/current stocks to usher in next gen and AMD will probably lower prices to counter.

Alright thx for the info