Upgrading Graphics Card


Feb 6, 2015
Someone has told me recently that my graphics card was un-upgradable. Could someone confirm this or say otherwise? Also, if upgradable, I would like to purchase a new graphics card if i can, so reccomendations would be well appreciated

PC Specs : http://support.hp.com/us-en/product/HP-Pavilion-Slimline-s5600-Desktop-PC-series/4269980/model/4300362/document/c02479775/
No, you can't upgrade the graphics, the motherboard has no PCI-Ex16 connector, without which you cannot install a graphics card that would be significantly better than the built in graphics currently available.

I don't really have a budget, but I would like one that will give me good quality for what its worth

Would it be worth getting those graphics cards or just keeping what I have


Would it be better for me to get a new processor or getting one of those graphics cards. I'm looking for better all around pc performance

Just something to make my pc much smoother