Upgrading Graphics Card

Brett M

Aug 2, 2015
I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card soon, to get better frame rate at higher settings(Not total 60FPs Ultra settings)with new and up coming games. I really want to stay around $300-$400 range, I've watched a lot of videos but still not quite sure what to get
My Current Rig:
-AMD Radeon R9 280
-AMD FX 8320 8 core processor (3.50GHz)
-8gb Ram
-600wt psu
Any suggestions would be great.

lol when i was building my PC I did go a little overkill on the psu. But i think that might be my choice. Thx a lot

I would have to agree with clutchmc. I would go with the GTX 970 due to the price : performance ratio and its one of the best GPU deals.