I have an ATI Radeon HD 3650, and looking to upgrade.
I found a good deal on an MSI HD 6670 @ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127666
It is $75 with a $25 MIR. This looks like a good deal to me, I want to know what you guys think
If I want to get this card I will have to purchase it by Friday before the rebate expires. (Think fast! lol)
My only concern is that on shop.amd.com it says this card is PCIe 2.0 x16. Newegg says it is 2.1. My motherboard is the stock one that comes with the Dell Inspiron 530, and only has a PCIe x16 slot. I know that on a low end card like this one, using a 2.0 card on a 1.0 mobo won't make much of a difference (about 5% I read somewhere) but what about 2.1? Will it be a noticeable difference?
I do watch a lot of videos via youtube, and a lot of gaming streams via Twitch.tv, but they work fine already so that is not much of a concern. I am just starting to get into PC gaming, I am currently playing League of Legends a lot. They say a GeForce 8800 (or equivalent card) is recommended, and according to the Hiearchy Chart, the 6670 and 8800 GT are on the same level.
I like Halo 2 Vista, but the online features are very slow, but if I disable Games for Windows Live (via a .dll fix) and play offline campaign it runs very smooth. I read that if I upgraded my GPU maybe the online would work?
I also have Civ IV, Sims 3, and I am thinking about getting into MMO's such as SW:TOR and NFS World Online. Maybe even Tribes: Ascend, a new MMO shooter which looks fantastic.
I do not want to spend more than 60 honestly. Low budget, I know, but this is sort of my entry into PC gaming.
Any input is appreciated, Thanks in advance everyone! Here's some specs:
Vista Home Premium 64-bit
Dell Inspiron 530
Intel Core 2 Quad Processor, Q6600 @ 2.4GHz
20" Dell monitor, 1680x1050 32bit 60Hz, going to add a 17" vertical to this one once I get the card.
I found a good deal on an MSI HD 6670 @ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127666
It is $75 with a $25 MIR. This looks like a good deal to me, I want to know what you guys think
If I want to get this card I will have to purchase it by Friday before the rebate expires. (Think fast! lol)
My only concern is that on shop.amd.com it says this card is PCIe 2.0 x16. Newegg says it is 2.1. My motherboard is the stock one that comes with the Dell Inspiron 530, and only has a PCIe x16 slot. I know that on a low end card like this one, using a 2.0 card on a 1.0 mobo won't make much of a difference (about 5% I read somewhere) but what about 2.1? Will it be a noticeable difference?
I do watch a lot of videos via youtube, and a lot of gaming streams via Twitch.tv, but they work fine already so that is not much of a concern. I am just starting to get into PC gaming, I am currently playing League of Legends a lot. They say a GeForce 8800 (or equivalent card) is recommended, and according to the Hiearchy Chart, the 6670 and 8800 GT are on the same level.
I like Halo 2 Vista, but the online features are very slow, but if I disable Games for Windows Live (via a .dll fix) and play offline campaign it runs very smooth. I read that if I upgraded my GPU maybe the online would work?
I also have Civ IV, Sims 3, and I am thinking about getting into MMO's such as SW:TOR and NFS World Online. Maybe even Tribes: Ascend, a new MMO shooter which looks fantastic.
I do not want to spend more than 60 honestly. Low budget, I know, but this is sort of my entry into PC gaming.
Any input is appreciated, Thanks in advance everyone! Here's some specs:
Vista Home Premium 64-bit
Dell Inspiron 530
Intel Core 2 Quad Processor, Q6600 @ 2.4GHz
20" Dell monitor, 1680x1050 32bit 60Hz, going to add a 17" vertical to this one once I get the card.