
Oct 5, 2015
Good day Masters of the Universe,

I am planning to upgrade components of my rig. I am concerned about bottlenecks, power supply issues and overkill. Please lend me your wisdom.

These are my current specs.

Intel Core i5-4590 @ 3.30GHz
8GB RAM 1600
MSI H81M-P33
120 GB Kingston SSD
500 GB Seagate HDD
5 Cooling Fans
500W Silverstone Essential ATX 12Volts 80PLUS

What I am planning to do is get:

1TB West Digital Black HDD
8GB RAM 1600
240 GB Kingston SSD


1. Is my current power supply sufficient for the upgrades?
2. Do I need the extra RAM?
3. What else can I do maximize the current rig? (Not planning an overhaul, so no changes with Mobo, GPU, CPU)

Please reply. I will be eternally grateful.

God I must have been half asleep when I wrote that "will not effect the PSU at all" it will effect it slightly, around 2 watts for an SSD and I have found somewhere 6 for HDD however I have found others that say 20 w either way it will not effect your system! also the ram draws around the same as he HDD depending on the load put on it so it will be fine just make sure you get the exact same make of ram as they don't like being mixed up! however I would think about upgrading in the near future as you have a tier 3 PSU which isn't terrible but there is a lot better out there! also If you are thinking about upgrading to a better and more powerful graphics card in the future I would personally get a better PSU first...
yeah you will have not problem what you are planning to add will not effect the PSU at all as long as it is running fine now there will be no problems, the extra RAM is a good thing to have however 16 gb isn't needed 4 gb is the absolute minimum 8-16 gb is the sweet spot, the performance to price is best around here as 32 gb is just basically a lot of money compared to the performance you will get for just gaming however I would get another stick of RAM if you can afford it as games will begin to require more RAM as gaming gets more intense, and your current rig will be fine! however I would get a better quality SSD as I haven't heard great things about kingston lately even though I have one!

So to clarify, even if I add the extra SSD, and HDD, my PSU will be fine?

Coincidence, they call me Oli at work too! Do you know any good SSD Brands you can recommend?

And thank you for the quick reply!

God I must have been half asleep when I wrote that "will not effect the PSU at all" it will effect it slightly, around 2 watts for an SSD and I have found somewhere 6 for HDD however I have found others that say 20 w either way it will not effect your system! also the ram draws around the same as he HDD depending on the load put on it so it will be fine just make sure you get the exact same make of ram as they don't like being mixed up! however I would think about upgrading in the near future as you have a tier 3 PSU which isn't terrible but there is a lot better out there! also If you are thinking about upgrading to a better and more powerful graphics card in the future I would personally get a better PSU first! http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html just some advice! but you will be perfectly fine now! and as far as I am aware samsung and ocz are the best https://pcpartpicker.com/part/samsung-internal-hard-drive-mz75e250bam try this one! it is very popular!! and very reliable as far as I know!