Upgrading help thank you!


Sep 2, 2012
Hello fellow nerds,

First things first:
asus m5a99x mobo
phenom x6 1055t 3.6/4.0 turbo Oc @1.42 V
16 gb 1600 ballistix
Thermaltake overseer rx-1 case
h70 water cooler w/ p/p config sp120s
gtx770 asus direct cu II
2 hdds 7200
1 hdd green for storage
750W 80 plus gold psu blah blah...

ok now that is done. I have been in the computer world for along time. So please before you write something dont waste my time with fanboy babble of either amd or intel. I respect and understand both for their architecture and what they are used for. So that being said...

Besides doing videos on adobe premiere and after effects and music editing i do play games, Planetside 2, batman using physx, tomb raider, starcraft 2....blah blah.

So i need secong opinions on where to upgrade to a 8350 due to the info coming out on upcoming amd chips being in the 500s please..🙁

Id rather go for a i7-3770k for that but ill need to buy new mobo too..

I realized that my cpu must be my bottleneck now in gaming, because in rendering it still kicks but (not like me Asus G55vw laptop) but its there :) so any recommendations for humble individuals who have experience like myself help a bro out please and thank you! :)

Always nice to hear from another whose been around the block, I'd say go with the 3770K and a Z77 like the ASRock Z77 Extreme 4, as a builder this is one of my primary mobos and gets for for work as well as testing all kinds of components...I'm sure you are already aware that the 3770K is superior to the 8350 in all ways and the price difference reflects it, but it well worth it....
I'd say wait a bit. right now I doubt that anyone knows the retail price for steamroller. I will say this though, if the top end steamroller chips are retailing for 500 (or even 300) you can better believe that they will be worth the price. AMD knows better than anyone that they can't compete at above the 200.00 price point. Even at the 200.00 price point, AMD faces tough competition from the i5 for people who only care about gaming performance. If AMD releases a 500.00 cpu, you can bet it is worth every bit of that 500.00.

However I doubt it is true. If it is it will probably be a very niche product with the mainstay of AMD's cpu line up being at about 200-250.

If you absolutely can't wait for more solid info, I'd say go with the i7 3770k. It is a very capable processor that sacrifices nothing in gaming where the 8350 performs very very well with multi threaded tasks, but falls behind a bit in games.
Wow thanks for the humble responses, that info it greatly appreciated from both of you. 8350 is def a mutli thread beast for an amd chip, as well as the 3770k now, in the aspect of bottleneck physical chip cache and just utilization of my components would a 8350 be a solid grab over the phenom, ive seen the benchmarks they seem promising, due to the i7 being alone 300 plus a mobo, or is it in my favor to go for the i7 due to the need of single core perfromance that they have solid across the board. thank you guys :) in other words for both gaming and the rendering whats best lol
Well this might help you make your decision as it pertains to Planetside 2 a game you play:

We all trust Logan and Linus here is the razethew0rld vid for gaming comparison between 8350 vs i5 3570k vs i7 3770k

I have a 3570k and 2 8350s I prefer the 8350 as it is better for multitasking and future gaming (multicore optimised) and the single threaded tasks aren't far apart enough for me to care

Some benches for you
as far as planetside 2 goes, i'd expect the 8350 to be somewhere between the i7 930 and the i3 2100. (since the bench doesn't have piledriver or ivy bridge cpus)

for current games the i7 would win out as being the best. future games will most likely be optimized for more cores which means that the 8350 would perform about as well as an i7, but that could take some time to happen. it all comes down to what you want really. Since you play some cpu intensive games now, I'd recommend the i7 for your needs as you'd sacrifice nothing now, and in the future, should still perform as well as an 8350 on multi threaded games.

the 8350 matches 3770k and i7 3820 and out performs on some games which are current

But certainly not on starcraft
Try running on an even keel - both at 4 GHz, 4.2, 4.4 or around 4.7 where they both tend to top out on average and check the results......AMD loves these people that offer skewed results of running both at stock, which is why the 8350 had the base clock artificially raised to 4GHz

Overall, the i7 is more consistent. there are some games (like far cry 3 i believe) that run worse with hyper threading enabled. For the most part, the i5s and i7s are a little ahead of the 8350 in most games, and a lot in cpu intensive/poorly optimized games.

And tradesman, it isn't exactly skewed to compare stock vs stock when not everyone wants to overclock their cpu for whatever reason (they don't want to void warranty, they don't want to risk damaging the cpu ect).
The 8350 comes out of the box OCed, this was designed at a 1333 native CPU that prob should have been released at 3.4 or so, Check the AMD BIOS and Kernel Programming Guide, the CPU (same as the BUlldozer editions wer artificially OCed to a higher clock to allow them to run a pair of 1866 sticks w/o the person OCing, that's also why so many DullDozers had trouble with 1866 and when you try to add more DRAM the freq decreases to 1600 and 1333 when running 16GB or 4 sticks.....if it was truly native it would run fully populated at 1866 and be able to run 2133 or faster DRAM.....look at the Intels i5s , native 1333 and 1600 yet they can run fully populated 32GB at 2133, 2400, 2666

The price for performance shows the 8350 to be king of cpus I have all of the discussed chips and prefer the 8350
If you google AMD FX 8350 + Planetside 2 you'll see what I mean. The piledriver architecture doesn't help in this game. many F-8350 owners complain of 30FPS or bellow in crowded areas of the game.

The FX-8350 is a great CPU but not for this game.

I prefer the 8350 and 6350 myself as well (i'd probably go with the 6350 since steamroller is so close) but not everyone would prefer it. Some games run poorly on it compared to the i5 hence why I take a balanced view point. Overall you are right, bang for the buck goes to the 8350, and also the phenom II x4 965 BE (at 100.00 it is a damn good cpu for the price). But alas, some people can afford the extra for higher performance and don't mind the lower value of that performance.

If I wasn't planning on upgrading to an 8 core Steamroller when they hit, I'd nab up an 8350 for sure.
Thank you all for answering and putting in your 2 cents worth its all being digested. I think what im going to do is for fx-8350, and then save up for a intel build whethers its an 4770k or above due to the fact that ddr4 is coming out amd if i bought a whole new mobo now with a 4770k or what have you i would feel like i would be caught with my pants down, im going to wait and save for a nice soild intel build, and in the mean time go with a 8350 for 179 due to me having a real high end 990fx board now. Thanks all of you :)