Upgrading hp laptop

hhugo Hugo

Dec 20, 2013
Hello there.It's the first time i'm posting in the forums but i actually follow the forums for quite some time.
So i own a HP G62.
It's kinda crap and is getting old but i don't really got the money to buy a new one.
I'm kinda of a "gamer", but this laptop cannot run games at decent fps and ALWAYS overheats,even when i'm doing normal tasks.
I want to know if there is any Component that i can upgrade that is compatible with the laptop that will help me increse the fps.
I'm not looking to play games like BF on HIGH or MEDIUM(lol) even if i could run it at LOW smoothly would help allot.Also i'm buying Coolmer Master Note-Pal X3 cooling stand, and i hope that the overheat problems go away.

If you can help me anyhow,i would apreciate it.

Thanks in advance

I used to play Crossfire with some 60-150 fps AND i guess it's not that but i wanted to kinda bump it up a lil bit.
If i upgrade the ram,wich is currently 4G will it make some notable diference?
upgrading your ram is about all you can do and it will make some difference,though it may not be as much as you expect. bottom line is this is just not built for gaming. if it was mine tho i would throw another 4gigs of ram at it.your specs show 8gig supported.

oh dear,i guess i'm screwd.i guess i'll save some money and buy a computer for like 300$

not rlly