Upgrading my 750 ti


Jun 17, 2014
I bought my 750 ti not long ago and am pleased with the performance of it, but I have sold it to my brother for a full price of $150. I've also gathered about another $50, and have decided between these cards: r9 270x, 7950, and the 7870.

I know that the 7870 is weaker than the other cards that i have listed, but it's only going for $140, whereas the 270x and 7950 are $200+. I would also know which one has the best price to performance ratio, and if there are any other gpu's out there I should be informed about, please do tell. Just try to keep the price under about $220. Keep in mind that I have a 600w psu.

That is what i thought also. The 270x is about $200 where I live, and from my research so far, I think that it's a rebranded HD 7870. I understand that the 270x is outperforms the 7870, but is it really worth $60 more? This is what is holding me back from purchasing the 270x. And yes, if i can gather a couple more bucks I will try to find a 7950.

Yeah the 270 is basically a more powerful 7870, and the 270x is a more powerful and faster 270. The 270x is closer to the 7950, and can run most games at their highest settings for the most part. I'd say the r9 270x is definitely worth 60$ more than the 7870, especially if you plan on overclocking. But if you can save up, the 7950 would be best. Just for reference, what are the rest of your specs?

My current specs:
FX-6300 3.5 3.5 Ghz
8 GB DDR3 memory
GTX 750 ti (which i plan on upgrading obviously)
600w psu

I thought that the r7 265 was a remodeled 7850, and an r9 270x was a 7870? I don't know, I could be wrong. But 7850 would be even cheaper than $140, around about $120. Thank you for replying.

No, you are right I didn't mean 7850, I meant 7870 haha. Yeah, with that cpu and either the 270x or 7950, you should definitely be able to play most games on high or max settings, and it's a great upgrade from the 750 ti. Although, I would overclock if you're able to because that build will struggle with newer games especially in mulitplayer.

I guess it's decided then. I will attempt to purchase a 7950 next week if I am fortunate enough to scrap up 20 or 30 dollars from somewhere. If that isn't the case, I will buy a 270x. I've never tried overclocking my cpu, but thanks for your help :)

There are a lot of helpful threads on here about overclocking, and you should definitely read a bit about it before you attempt to, though overclocking isn't for everyone. But whatever you decide, good luck and happy gaming!
if you can't stretch it to the 7950 get a gtx760... it's faster than a 270x ...unless of course its more expensive where you live,
i don't know if you care about shadowplay but its really good - i recorded some maxed out battlefield4 footage with my gtx770 @ 1080p 60fps and it didnt affect the game's performance at all... also for me i am able to run my "60hz" monitor at 75hz or more by setting custom resolution in nvidia control panel that i just can't do with amd drivers... atleast not on the amd cards that ive tried...
please know i am not trying to divert you to nvidia or anything like that ... it's just the card i would be getting myself,
but a 7950 is probably about the same as 280 non x version...
The 760 is a great card and faster than the 270x in most games, so that's another choice. Where I live it's actually more expensive than the 7950. They're both actually pretty close though with the 760 being slightly better, so again it just depends on how you want to spend your money for the performance, but you could also overclock a 7950 close to the performance of a 7970.