Jlg823 Distinguished Dec 26, 2013 478 2 18,815 Oct 5, 2014 #1 Good? Recommend others if you wish! http://prntscr.com/4thdyn Current CPU: AMD FX 8320 Current GPU: Radeon 7790
Good? Recommend others if you wish! http://prntscr.com/4thdyn Current CPU: AMD FX 8320 Current GPU: Radeon 7790
rockie_ Splendid Sep 20, 2014 6,022 0 27,960 Oct 5, 2014 #2 Get GTX 970 4GB VRAM instead Upvote 0 Downvote
Jlg823 Distinguished Dec 26, 2013 478 2 18,815 Oct 5, 2014 #3 rockie_ : Get GTX 970 4GB VRAM instead I wasn't planning on upgrading my gpu...I was just asking do those parts seem alright. The GPU and CPU are gonna stay, because I REALLY need a new mobo, and I'm on a budget. Upvote 0 Downvote
rockie_ : Get GTX 970 4GB VRAM instead I wasn't planning on upgrading my gpu...I was just asking do those parts seem alright. The GPU and CPU are gonna stay, because I REALLY need a new mobo, and I'm on a budget.
IRONBATMAN Honorable Aug 30, 2013 3,359 0 13,460 Oct 5, 2014 #4 I'm guessing that you want to try overclocking your CPU, and adding more HDD space. If so, I recommend getting a PSU of higher quality instead. Use this as a PSU guide http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-1804779/power-supply-unit-tier-list.html You can never go wrong with PSUs from Seasonic. Upvote 0 Downvote
I'm guessing that you want to try overclocking your CPU, and adding more HDD space. If so, I recommend getting a PSU of higher quality instead. Use this as a PSU guide http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-1804779/power-supply-unit-tier-list.html You can never go wrong with PSUs from Seasonic.
rockie_ Splendid Sep 20, 2014 6,022 0 27,960 Oct 5, 2014 #5 They are fine . Get WD hdd . for 750W PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139010&cm_re=hx750-_-17-139-010-_-Product Upvote 0 Downvote
They are fine . Get WD hdd . for 750W PSU http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139010&cm_re=hx750-_-17-139-010-_-Product
IRONBATMAN Honorable Aug 30, 2013 3,359 0 13,460 Oct 5, 2014 #6 You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Upvote 0 Downvote
You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice
rockie_ Splendid Sep 20, 2014 6,022 0 27,960 Oct 5, 2014 #7 IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 . Upvote 0 Downvote
IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 .
IRONBATMAN Honorable Aug 30, 2013 3,359 0 13,460 Oct 5, 2014 #8 rockie_ : IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 . ' Obviously ' . What makes you think that he wants to crossfire ? Upvote 0 Downvote
rockie_ : IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 . ' Obviously ' . What makes you think that he wants to crossfire ?
rockie_ Splendid Sep 20, 2014 6,022 0 27,960 Oct 5, 2014 #9 IRONBATMAN : rockie_ : IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 . ' Obviously ' . What makes you think that he wants to crossfire ? 850W PSU and the mobo Upvote 0 Downvote
IRONBATMAN : rockie_ : IRONBATMAN : You can cut costs by getting a cheaper 970 chipset motherboard. It should allow you to overclock your CPU too. The asus M5A97 R2 is a popular choice Obviously , he want Crossfire . M5A97 R2 is bad for that - x8/x4 . ' Obviously ' . What makes you think that he wants to crossfire ? 850W PSU and the mobo
IRONBATMAN Honorable Aug 30, 2013 3,359 0 13,460 Oct 5, 2014 #10 That's one way at looking at it. Perhaps we should ask OP to avoid misunderstandings. Upvote 0 Downvote
Shane501 Reputable Sep 24, 2014 135 0 4,710 Oct 5, 2014 #11 RAM? Thermal Paste? I'm guessing you will be reusing your RAM I would recommend that you get 8GB (whatever you have and add the remainder.) The PSU that you selected will leave you plenty of room to grow, if you decide to use crossfire in the future. Upvote 0 Downvote
RAM? Thermal Paste? I'm guessing you will be reusing your RAM I would recommend that you get 8GB (whatever you have and add the remainder.) The PSU that you selected will leave you plenty of room to grow, if you decide to use crossfire in the future.