Upgrading my computer


Dec 3, 2016
Hi guys
I just have a quick question because I need some expert opinion on my issue.
Very soon I plan to be upgrading some components in my PC and wondered if I needed Liquid cooling (H100i) or would an average air cooler be enough for my new build? I would also like some opinions on the parts I have chosen for my new build to see if these parts go well together.

The Parts I plan to upgrade to:
GPU - GTX 1070
CPU - I7 6700K
Motherboard - Asus Z170-A
Case - NZXT Source S340 Mid-Tower
Cooler - Corsair H100i
RAM - Corsair 16GB DDR4 Vengeance

Cheers guys!!


Do you plan on significantly overclocking that 6700K? The H100I may help. It doesn't offer the same cooling that a custom water loop cooling system would offer. It can also...

Do you plan on significantly overclocking that 6700K? The H100I may help. It doesn't offer the same cooling that a custom water loop cooling system would offer. It can also offer a "cleaner" look. It can also avoid RAM clearance issues some RAM modules with VERY long heatsink fins can cause. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835608018 can handle significant overclocks. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099&cm_re=212_Evo-_-35-103-099-_-Product or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4UF2DZ6565&cm_re=Cryorig_H7-_-13C-000U-00005-_-Product are both good coolers for regular use and moderate overclocks. The user can add an additional fan to either of those which may evacuate heat quicker than a single fan.

Thanks for the reply buddy. The coolers you linked look very promising and I will do some further research into them. To answer your question, I do not usually overclock my CPU's so do you think the H100i would still be relevant without overclocking at all??


No. I recommend either the Evo or the Cryorig. Or this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835181058 if you want something with a smaller footprint.