Upgrading my cpu cooler ?


May 8, 2014
I am still using my stock cooler and playing games such as far cry 3 and AC 4 makes my cpu to gain a lot of heat. The cm hyper t4 quad caught my eye and it has some good ratings. The problem is.. will it fit in my case. My case : http://www.thermaltake.com/products-model.aspx?id=C_00001850 It says max - 155mm and cooler is 152.3. The other problem is that in my country there isn't a big variety of coolers and this is my best and only option for a good price. Intel core i5-4670k

Thank you.

It is just good enough to replace the stock how much are you looking spend it would be convenient for us to recommend you something.

Well something like the t4 ...hmm.. 30$...20₤'...20 € i guess. What about this Zerotherm CORE92

I would recommend this see if this is available--> http://pcpartpicker.com/part/zalman-cpu-cooler-cnps8900quiet

That is what it is suppose to be according to cooler master.
But benchmark shows otherwise-->


Thank you, the problem is that there's a small variety of good coolers because in my country PC building is still not popular enough.