Hey guys! I want to upgrade my Gateway DX4870's graphics card into a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814202113&cm_re=hd_6970-_-14-202-113-_-Product
Would my Power supply be enough? Or should I need an upgrade for that too? Sorry for being a complete newbie but do i also need to buy any wires? Also, If my computer has a built in Intergrated HD Graphics card, am I able to install the graphics card and will it be compatible with the motherboard?
Would my Power supply be enough? Or should I need an upgrade for that too? Sorry for being a complete newbie but do i also need to buy any wires? Also, If my computer has a built in Intergrated HD Graphics card, am I able to install the graphics card and will it be compatible with the motherboard?