Upgrading my GFX card advise.


May 25, 2016
Hey guys,

I'm new here but got recommended I ask here :)

I'm pretty new to this PC stuff,
But I have a Nvidia 660 TI, and would like to upgrade (not spend tons)

I have been playing FFXIV on DX11 and it crashes on me.
Also playing Overwatch today and it was crashed on me.

It just blackscreens. totally dies. I'm pretty sure its the GFX card?

I have:
Nvidia 660TI,
16gb ram,
Intel i703770K @ 3.50GHz 3.90Ghz,
65 bit windows

Advise please 😀


What operating system are you running? My friend had Windows 10 and a 660ti and he kept getting random black-screen crashes. When he put Windows 7 on there it was fine, so that might be the issue.

I highly doubt you will need a new GPU unless you're getting issues with the whole computer's display.

- Sam

Damnit, annoyngly I am running windows 7.. aha.