upgrading my gpu is it woth it?

Leonid Beilin

May 5, 2013
my specs are: AMD Athlon II x3 455 3.3GHz procesor
4GB ram (800)
I had an gigabytes gtx 260 886mb my friend ugraded his pc and gave me his old graphics card Asus GTS 450 1GB. now i had suport of directx11 but i'm not sure about performance a spacialy because i have 24inch display and like to use 1920x1080 res. I'm considering to buy GTX 650 ti 1GB will it be good upgrade to me or maybe I'll have better performance with my old GTX 260.

I would say that you should be worried about upgrading your cpu so it can handle better graphics cards.
The 650ti will beat the 450 and 260.
Im thinking unless you run low to medium settings you wont be gaming at 1080p with any graphics card. That cpu is a pretty hard bottleneck.
The 260 is faster than the 450, and you shouldn't be worried about DX11 at 1080p with that level of performance. The 650ti is only 2 "levels" better.


personally I wouldn't bother until you're ready to replace the whole rig.

I thinked about it but i read some where that the GTX650 ti boost can bottelneck my cpu- I can't upgrade it(cpu) becouse my mother bord is pretty old and if i want to upgrade my cpu i need a new motherboard and a new ram memory and i can't aford it. So do you think that GTX650 ti boost wont botteneck my cpu?

Just save the money and work towards a new computer.
Something like an FX-6350, and 650ti boost, a HAF 912 case, 970 mobo, 1 TB HDD, and a 500w bronze power supply would probably cost your around $575.

It would be better to save the money you have now toward that goal.

Something a lot of new computer builders dont realize is a computer doesnt have to be super expensive to be fast. You can make a pretty snappy computer for fairly cheap. It might not be able to run the latest and greatest games on max, but it will be able to game, and be very smooth while doing it at an affordable price.
Thank you for all of your advices i'm probably won't buy the GTX650 ti and wait until i can upgrade all of my pc.
But for now should i install back the GTX260 886mb or should i stay with GTS450 1GB? I mean what is better for now. the games i like to play are- Wargame European Escalation , Shogun 2 total war ,battlefield 3,red orchestra 2.

I would say stick to the 260, and sell the 450 to help get to your new build or vice versa
the 260 (I think) performs better so I would try selling the 450