Now that the RTX super series aswell as AMDs new radeon 5700XTs (5700 is not in consideration) benchmarks are live, I was wondering what I should upgrade to (my upgrade is not limited to these, but I dont know what else there is). My current GPU is the GTX 1060 3GB and it is well due for an upgrade. If you would like to recommend something that would be great. I'm also looking for a new monitor so if you have one that pairs well with the GPU you recommend, please give me the name! My budget is roughly 750 USD, but I can go higher if the difference is significant enough. Im looking for something that can let me run the newest AAA games with max settings while maintaining a good FPS (obviously this isnt all up to the GPU, but I dont want it to hold anything else back). These are my current specs:
CPU- i5 6600k
GPU- Geforce GTX 1060 3gb
RAM- 16gb ram
BOARD- asus Z170-A
500w powersupply (if I need to upgrade this aswell, so be it.)
Thanks in advance!
CPU- i5 6600k
GPU- Geforce GTX 1060 3gb
RAM- 16gb ram
BOARD- asus Z170-A
500w powersupply (if I need to upgrade this aswell, so be it.)
Thanks in advance!