Currently i run two 7980 xfire and im still having trouble running alot of games on ultra, they will run but i get low fps that makes it unplayable for me.
(if anyone things what i said above shouldnt be happening let me know)
What i would like is to get 1080p 60fps on ultra settings
I dont mind paying for two 780TI if thats what it takes, money isnt really a problem ill scrape it together, i just dont want to go and spend the 1200-1400 dollars on it if i dont really have to, let me know if you think one 770 or one 780 would work for what i want or if i need 2 cards
I have an i7 3770k running with the intell turbo boost because i dont know how to overclock it myself
Also the graphics card i get would need to be able to do this at stock because i dont know how to overclock and to be honest im kinda scared i would mess it up if i tried to learn how to do it with my current cards
If anyone thinks i should be able to get 60fps at 1080p on ultra with what i have now let me know of if i should be able to easily overclock it let me know im just worried ill mess it up and fry my cards or something but if you think ill need an upgrade thats fine im just curioius what cards i should get
My setup is as follows
60" plasma TV 1080p
i7 3770k
GA-z77x-d3h motherboard
850 watt PSU
2x AMD 7980 xfir
Games i will be playing include
Skyrim with hd textures and mods galore
metro redux (when it comes out)
dragon age inquisition
far cry 3
and other games as they come out
(if anyone things what i said above shouldnt be happening let me know)
What i would like is to get 1080p 60fps on ultra settings
I dont mind paying for two 780TI if thats what it takes, money isnt really a problem ill scrape it together, i just dont want to go and spend the 1200-1400 dollars on it if i dont really have to, let me know if you think one 770 or one 780 would work for what i want or if i need 2 cards
I have an i7 3770k running with the intell turbo boost because i dont know how to overclock it myself
Also the graphics card i get would need to be able to do this at stock because i dont know how to overclock and to be honest im kinda scared i would mess it up if i tried to learn how to do it with my current cards
If anyone thinks i should be able to get 60fps at 1080p on ultra with what i have now let me know of if i should be able to easily overclock it let me know im just worried ill mess it up and fry my cards or something but if you think ill need an upgrade thats fine im just curioius what cards i should get
My setup is as follows
60" plasma TV 1080p
i7 3770k
GA-z77x-d3h motherboard
850 watt PSU
2x AMD 7980 xfir
Games i will be playing include
Skyrim with hd textures and mods galore
metro redux (when it comes out)
dragon age inquisition
far cry 3
and other games as they come out