Upgrading my GTX260 to 1070 1070ti 1080 or 1080ti

Aug 23, 2018
Hello gamers and experts....

well my PC is pretty much out of date
1. GTX 260
2. intel i5 2500k
3. 8Gb DDR3 RAM
Planning to give a big upgrade to my PC

1. Ryzen 2700x or intel i7 8700k
2. 16Gb DDR4 RAM
3. and thats where i get stuck = GPU
After 2 weeks reasearch i still cant decide what i need 1070 1070ti 1080 or 1080ti

My aim is to play games on maxed out settings for next 3-5 years, would all of those GPUs satisfy my requierments?

For gaming i am using MSI gaming monitor 1920x1080 144Ghz

Thanks in advance i want to order stuff today but im always keep doubting 🙁

So basically from what you saying i understand that 1080 or 1080ti are more for 4K gaming, and theres no point for me buying those cards with the monitor that i have am i understanding you right?
Question from alausvergas : "Upgrading my PC"


Yes the 1080 and 1080ti are more for 4K gaming and unless you want to drop another $500+ on a quality 4K monitor to go with the new GPU, you'll be bottlenecking the GPU.
Thanks good to know that, would there be any particular 1070 or 1070ti you could suggest? and sorry for doubling my question i am new here didnt knew how it works :)

Thanks this one looks nice, so basically with 1070ti on 1920x1080 144Ghz monitor i will be able to play all games on maxed settings right? And will it last at least for 3 years. Cause i dont want to buy something that I will need to replace after a year or two.
You will get 3 years of solid performance out of this card without needing to update.

In 2 years will you still be playing games on super duper ultra? No, but you won't be playing on potato settings either. This is a very solid card.

Thanks you very much Kashimi that really helped a lot to make up my mind, and also u saved some cash for me cause i wasnt planning to buy 4K monitor anyway :)

Would this one be equaly good? MSI GEFORCE GTX 1070 TI GAMING 8G

Shop near me doesnt have EVGA 😀
It would be, but what is the price difference? It may make sense to shop around online. At a store you're likely to pay more since they have to keep it in stock.

I have looked up online and EVGA is 570 euro here and MSI 550 euro
I would suggest waiting a bit. You've come far with that potato setup, so why not wait another month or two. The RTX series is about to launch, which is also expected for price to drop on previous gpu's too, and would also be newer tech. So in case you want the newer cards, you can... otherwise you can get 1070 cheaper.

I get your point but will the price of 1070ti drop straight after RTX release, somehow im doubting on that

The price of a used 1070ti will drop some, but new, no. You can expect the prices to remain pretty close to the same. Maybe $20-$40 USD at most difference.