Upgrading my Outdated PC

Jun 2, 2018
I right now have a very outdated pc. (Gateway DX4300-22 with an EVGA 1050 Ti) I am thinking about buying a Ryzen 5 1600x. I know that I will have to change the motherboard, ram, and therefore the case as well. The current power supply I have is 300W. Do you think that will be enough or if I should upgrade to a higher wattage? What else would I need to upgrade or be looking out for? (Specs on PC: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113148)
For your CPU unless you can get a good deal on a 1600X I would either get the new Ryzen 2600 or if you purely are going to do gaming get a Intel I5-8400 along with a H310 motherboard.

For your power supply I would really suggest buying a 450-550 watt PSU, you can pick up a Corsair CX or CXM for about 50 USD, alot of times cheaper when they are on sale. Stay away from the builder versions though. Seasonic S12II and M12II are also a good option.

For both Systems you will also need DDR4 RAM. Intel do best with 3000 and greater and Ryzen 3200 and greater. But 3000 and 3200 are the sweet spot for price to performance for each. Although if you get a h310 motehrboard your RAM speed might be limited to 2666, check the motherboard...
For your CPU unless you can get a good deal on a 1600X I would either get the new Ryzen 2600 or if you purely are going to do gaming get a Intel I5-8400 along with a H310 motherboard.

For your power supply I would really suggest buying a 450-550 watt PSU, you can pick up a Corsair CX or CXM for about 50 USD, alot of times cheaper when they are on sale. Stay away from the builder versions though. Seasonic S12II and M12II are also a good option.

For both Systems you will also need DDR4 RAM. Intel do best with 3000 and greater and Ryzen 3200 and greater. But 3000 and 3200 are the sweet spot for price to performance for each. Although if you get a h310 motehrboard your RAM speed might be limited to 2666, check the motherboard specifications.

Edited comment Meant H310 not B310, and RAM speed with H310 motherboard are limited so you wont need 3000mhz
Well for one that PSU is the bare minimum recommended for that GPU. It's best to stay above bare minimums. My main concern is that the PSU is very old at this point so I really wouldn't trust it, especially if you are spending good money on new components. Remember the PSU can straight up destroy everything in the computer if it goes horribly bad.

Tier list of PSU quality

So I changed my budget to provide myself a 2600x and took your advice with the rest. Thanks for that. I just need to know which motherboard I should get, as I have done some research and found out I need an x470 motherboard to be compatible with the Ryzen. I liked the price of the MSI x470 GAMING PLUS and the Gigabyte x470 Auros Ultra Gaming. Would these work, and if so, which one in your opnion is better?