Upgrading my PC (GTX 970 & 450w)??


Apr 1, 2016
Hey guys, i'm realy new to building a custom PC myself. I recently got a PC and now I'm planing to upgrade my graphics card to a GTX 970 Phantom. I just got a few simple questions. I've read that you need a strong pcu to not ruin your PC completely, so at the moment i got a 450w one. I've made a list with all my components, except my CPU fan, it's this one: http://www.amazon.com/Intel-E97378-001-Lga1155-Aluminum-Heatsink/dp/B005B8SNQE

Everything else:
[PCPartPicker part list](http://pcpartpicker.com/p/tRHNJx)

Will everything work with my components, or do I have to upgrade to a better pcu? The site tells me i'm using around 350w, so is the 450w one ok for gameing and rendering..
I don't want to waste my money and destroy my new GTX.
Please help. THX.:bounce:
If you had a high quality power supply it might be ok, but you don't. The Corsair VS is low quality to begin with and under powered for your system. It is highly advisable to upgrade the power supply to a higher quality 500-550 watt unit.
If you had a high quality power supply it might be ok, but you don't. The Corsair VS is low quality to begin with and under powered for your system. It is highly advisable to upgrade the power supply to a higher quality 500-550 watt unit.


Apr 1, 2016
Ok thank you for informing me about that. Can one of you please Show me a psu that is compadible with my components and under 70 bucks, my budget is a bit low at this Moment.

Thank you for the fast answers!!

80-watt Hamster

Oct 9, 2014
Didn't dig too deep, but here's a review for your PSU:


Bottom line: not great, but not a disaster. You've got (according to PCPP power estimates) about 28% headroom for power, which is alright as long as you're not at full load 24/7. A big concern for component life is ripple suppression, and the VS450 seems to do pretty well in that regard. The most significant downside (according to the above review) is lower-end capacitors, so pushing it hard long-term might not be a fantastic idea. Summary: Go ahead and drop in a 970. Upgrading to a nice 500 or 550 in the next year or so is probably a good plan, but don't let that keep you away from a 970 in the meantime.
Here's 2 Seasonic units that are very good quality for reasonable prices. The 620 watt model is only $5 more than the 520 watt. Great deal!
