Upgrading my pc


Jan 24, 2015

CPU: AMD FX-6350
GPU: 970 Asus
PS: 750w
Motherboard: Asrock 970 Extreme4

I would like to upgrade to an FX8350 or even higher not sure if my motherboard can handle it.
I think your best overall bet will be the i5 4460 with a new board (though the i7 would have more staying power if you could find a board to go with it in your budget).

If you can stretch just beyond that €300 limit, then this would be a much MUCH more substantial upgrade than going with a current 8core FX offering:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (€263.40 @ Mindfactory)
Motherboard: MSI H81M-E34 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (€46.11 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Total: €309.51
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

Keeps your same RAM and all, has 8 threads, and won't have to worry about overclocking an FX8core on a 970 board (not ideal), or beefier cooling to make it worth it. Good gamer too:


Just wondering, is it possible to use an intel processor on my MB?

That's a nice board too, but it's also made for Intel processors only.....and only chips that work with the 1151 'socket'. This would be the current Skylake processors, or the upcoming Kaby Lake processors. This board would also require DDR4 RAM (different than you're using now).

Really for the money, and considering you already have 16Gb of RAM, the Intel 1231v3 can't be beat. If you can justify spending a bit more, then a nicer board to go with the 1231v3 would be a good move.....then after that start investing in more GPU.

You could get a board for the 1231v3 that would support two GPUs and get a second GTX 970 for an affordable upgrade, or get one (or two) 1070's or 1080's. A 1231v3 would be just fine with all of that.