Upgrading my pc


Mar 24, 2017
Hi guys First of all sorry for my bad english (i am italian), btw
I would like to upgrade my pc, these are the specs:

CPU : Intel g3250
RAM : 4 x2 hyperx Fury ddr3
Gpu: GTX 1050
Motherboard: Asus h81m-k
PSU: itek 500w
HDD: 1tb 7200rpm

Which upgrade should i do First?

I use this pc for gaming, and i play in 1920x1080, i got like 150fps but idk why sometimes they goes from like 150-160 to 50 and then again to 150...
Your PC is reasonably balanced that's the main thing here. If you upgraded the GTX 1050 your CPU would be holding it back in most situations and vice versa. But i think less so the GPU so perhaps a good idea to upgrade it if you want more performance. Depends on your budget but an i5 4690 or so would be excellent as it can go in your current Motherboard and use the same RAM kit. Take a look around your local stores if you need but here is partlist using prices from Amazon Italy > https://it.pcpartpicker.com/list/xgkfFT If this costs too much or you can afford more just say so and you could look at some other upgrade along with this.

Depends on the game but your GPU is slightly ahead of your CPU in terms of average performance.

if you turn down the graphics and this still happens, then its your CPU.

If you need to upgrade CPU, get an i5 from this list: https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/H81MK/HelpDesk_CPU/