Upgrading my PC


May 3, 2017

I wanted to be able to stream/record some videos on my pc but it aint running so smooth now with OBS and game active. So my question is what do i need to uppgrade, what can i keep and why i should uppgrade it. Would love to have different answers to why and what i should upgrade.

Currently Running:

Z97X-Gaming 3 Motherboard
AMD Radeon R9 380 Grapichs card.
Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz (overclocked to 3.9)
Corsair DDR3 4gb ram (2 of those) 8 Gb ram total.
Running windows 10 64 bit.
Wd Blue 1Tb. Different volumes for games and windows.

Also running over 2 60hz screens. Is a uppgrade to 144hz screens that big?

Would love get some ideas and thoughts on this. Also would be lovely if you could get me an cheap and an more epxansive option.

Il be active so if i missed anything about my pc or if you want to know anything more just ask me!

Thanks all for your help!

I think you should give your video card an upgrade.

Your CPU is totally fine for recording, it's a beast for gaming even. No reason to upgrade ram, DDR4 doesn't work on Z97 boards.
Go ahead and choose what video card you can buy. An R9 380 has the performance about between a 1050ti and an RX 470.
So I wouldn't recommend choosing anything lower than an RX 480, since you want a noticeable upgrade and not just a small one.

As for 144Hz screens, you have to personally see it for yourself. To me it's a big difference over 60Hz, but I don't think it justifies the price tag so... for me, I would just get a regular monitor that has DP and then overclock it. 😀

: D

You need a better cpu. Streaming is extremely intensive on the cpu and that is why I recommend you get a i7 4790k.

Hey and tanks for your thoughts!

I'm not completely sure about the price range yet so what graphicscard would you recommend to go with my rig?
im not sure about the 144hz monitors either. They are very expensive and I'm not sure about how huge of a difference they make. I. Might borrow one of a friend just to get a look at the difference before I make up my mind then.

You need a better cpu. Streaming is extremely intensive on the cpu and that is why I recommend you get a i7 4790k.[/

Well since you can choose if you want the CPU or the gpu to do the encoding of the streams I thought it were better to get a new graphics card. Can you give me some more details on why my CPU needs a change?

Thanks a lot!

Cpu encoding gives you the best quality out there.
Great video that shows a lot about this.

Lovely answers dude! This was exactly what I were looking for! What are your thoughts on CPU's then. Why the I7 4790? Really appreciate your help!

The 4790k is the cheapest upgrade thats why.

Yeah, that's true! But the cheapest is not always the best! It's better to invest into future gaming. At least that's my opinion! If you were to spend some more money, what would u go for?


A ryzen 6 core + b350 board + 16gb of ddr4