Upgrading my ram. Need help !

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Deleted member 1842245

Hey so I'm quite new to PC building and I wan't to know a couple of things. So I'm currently using 1 stick of 8 gb ddr3 hyperx RAM. I wan't to know what do I need to look for if I wan't to upgrade to another stick. Can that stick be from another brand and with different speeds ?

Also I'm really quite confused about these channels (singe, dual, triple) that everyone is talking about and I really want to know what do they mean when they say that their motherboard is running in dual channel memory mode etc... So If somebody can explain this to me that would be awesome !

I know I know I could google it but I just want to make sure i don't screw anything up when I will be upgrading.
You are taking a chance that they won't be "exactly" compatible, even with the exact same part numbers. There is a reason why memory manufacturers sell RAM in "sets". If you do what you suggested you could end up with serious system instabilities or data/OS corruption.
You could try to sell it on eBay.
You do NOT want to mix RAM sticks from different manufacturers or even from the same manufacturer. If you want to double your RAM buy 2 new sticks or 1 new stick with double the RAM capacity and only use that one.
If you use one RAM stick, you will be in single-channel mode...2 sticks, dual channel mode, Check the manual for your motherboard to see what it supports.
And be careful which RAM slots you use. the manual should detail this as well.


Wait what should I do with the RAM stick that is already in my PC ? Couldn't i just buy 1 more hyperx RAM with the same hz speed and the capacity and that's it ?

You are taking a chance that they won't be "exactly" compatible, even with the exact same part numbers. There is a reason why memory manufacturers sell RAM in "sets". If you do what you suggested you could end up with serious system instabilities or data/OS corruption.
You could try to sell it on eBay.