[SOLVED] Upgrading PC Help Motherboard/Ram/CPU


Dec 30, 2017
My current PC specs
RAM:24GB DDR3 2×8, 2×4
PSU:650 W GOLD PLUS, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00822BTLC/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apap_zRSkmbmfU8enD
Motherboard: ASUS Q87M-E
Case:Rosewill ATX Mid Tower Challenger S

Currently the games I play are Fortnite, CS:GO and possibly will play other games in the future. My current fps with these games are roughly around 120-140, lowest below 100, highest around 200. This depends on multiple things. I do play on lowest settings and a stretched resoultion/ lower resolution. With my cpu and gpu there is some bottlenecking. My cpu averages around 60-80%, and my gpu around 60% and below. Temperature is not a problem cpu around 50 c when playing gpu around 50 c when playing. I have
tried to increase resolution and some settings but It makes it worse. I do only have a 60Hz monitor but in those types of games, the frames are still noticeable. I was also planning on getting a 144 or 180hz monitor, but I'm not able to maintain those frames yet.

So with that said, I'm planning on upgrading, which would mean I need to upgrade my motherboard, cpu and ram. I was able to find out that there aren't any cpus that are LGA 1150 that fit with the 1080, so that is why I'm wanting to upgrade the motherboard and everything etc. The motherboard I'm looking into is the MSI Z370-A PRO, and the cpu I was looking into is the i5 8600k, the ram I'm not set on but I'm looking for 16gb and I found one on ebay 109$ Corsair- Vengeance LPX series 16GB 2.4GHz, I'm looking to spend at the highest $500 so these parts fit that range.

I am wondering a few things about this upgrade. One, is my psu good enough for all of these new components. Also if I this setup will work it properly with the motherboard and psu and cpu and gpu, etc all combined. As well what ram I should get, as I said above I'm looking for 16gb, but haven't found one that I'm interested in for a good price.Lastly would overclocking the 8600k be possible with that motherboard(I have little experience with overclocking a cpu, but I do think i should, as it would help decrease bottlenecking and overall increase performance.

My planned future PC
CPU: i5-8600k
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 1080
Ram: ?
Psu: 650 W Plus Gold
Motherboard: MSI Z370-A Pro
Case: Rosewill ATX Mid Tower Challenger S
Question from kvnhardware : "What CPU Should I buy?"

I am looking to upgrade in the next few months, my current cpu is a i7-4790 that goes with a GTX 1080, the performance with these two isn't exceeding my expectations. I'm looking to spend roughly around $450 max, on the cpu and motherboard, as my current motherboard is only a LGA 1150, which limits which cpu I can buy. I would need to get new ram as well, which I'm looking for a 16gb, but someone I know has extra DDR4 which I might just use, but if not keep in mind that $450 would most likely be going towards the CPU, RAM, and Motherboard. I'm also wondering if my current PSU will be able to handle the new CPU, whichever one I get and all the other components all together: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00822BTLC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

psu should be fine to handle it all if you're looking to buy everything new i would be looking for these 3 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/
if you want intel you can take this
if it's purely for gaming the i-5 8600k would improve it more then the amd cpu but the amd cpu is better for streaming/rendering