Upgrading PC Parts


Dec 10, 2015
So since it's black friday, i thought about upgrading my pc, but im not sure what to get. My specs are:
i5-4440 3.1 ghz quad-core CPU
GTX 960 2 gb GPU
8 gb ddr3 RAM
gigabyte ga-b85m-ds3h motherboard

what do you think i should buy to upgrade? I would appreciate the feedback
actually the cpu are crazy low priced , time or never to buy one (micro center)

get 8 gb more ram ...but it should be the exact brand/model/specs to be compatible

depending what you do with your pc ..gaming or editing or nothing ..your gpu can be enough powerfull for now?
Amazon has GTX 1060s for $169.99 today. The price to performance ratio is awesome at the moment. That's a great step up. I wanted a 1080 but settled for a 1070 given the games of today and the fact that I won't be upgrading to 4k monitors anytime soon. I would love to go UHD soon. But that would be it for now. But a 1060 is a pretty powerful card today. I run a GTX 690 Million edition and it's overkill for it's duty today as it runs in a PLEX Server/HTPC. I agree with Herc08. If I were in your shoes, I would upgrade to 16GB of ram and a GTX 1060 or a GTX 1070.

Well even if he wants to game, that 960 probably won't cut it much longer.

Those 1060's are just the 3GB, if he is getting that, he should just stick with the 1050 Ti 4GB which is already ~$150. Not to mention, most games are starting to utilize more RAM. 3GB is going to be a thing of the past in the future.

my purpose for the computer is gaming

I thought about getting the i7-6700k since its only $300 right now but then I would also have to get a new motherboard and new ram. There is a bundle for all of that for $420 on newegg right now, do you think it's worth it or should i spend my money on different parts.