Upgrading Question (CPU)

here is a new article from cnet which quotes

"Should you hold off on purchasing a new PC or Mac?
That answer is a qualified no, as we don't expect a massive change in mainstream performance from Broadwell (the current generation of Intel chips) to Skylake. And again, it will likely be several months for the new parts to come to your preferred brands."

as seen here http://www.cnet.com/news/intel-skylake-chips-what-you-need-to-know-faq/
here is a new article from cnet which quotes

"Should you hold off on purchasing a new PC or Mac?
That answer is a qualified no, as we don't expect a massive change in mainstream performance from Broadwell (the current generation of Intel chips) to Skylake. And again, it will likely be several months for the new parts to come to your preferred brands."

as seen here http://www.cnet.com/news/intel-skylake-chips-what-you-need-to-know-faq/
when looking at two intel cpu. the haswell and the new skylake. have to take a few things in and see if there worth it to a gamer or new user. the haswell is 1150 pin mb. there no real brodwell cpu line that going to be out..intel has killed that cpu line off with skylake. when skylake drops in a few weeks the mb vendor are going to start to eol there older haswell mb if skylake and the new x170 chipset takes off. you may for a few weeks find a good deal on older cpu and mb combos till the stock clears out. skylake mb going to have the newest feature on them..some of them we dont know yet till the nda lifts. the skylake mb going to give you at lest one cpu upgrade. from intel it looks like it taking them longer to get get the fab bugs out as they go smaller. you may be paying more for the cpu and the newer ddr4 ram. you have to see if the chip is faster then haswell and it worth the extra cost. if your someone like me that runs a pc till it dies. upgrading from haswell to skylake is not worth the money. if you had an older 775 cpu or older then going with skylake would give you a pc that would last a few years.
Since you are upgrading you should get the i5 4690K I have one myself. You should get a i5 4690k because the skylake cpu's are going to have a LGA 1151 socket not the LGA 1150 that the haswell series had, which would mean you would have to upgrade your motherboard.