Question Upgrading Ram - Training needed?

May 8, 2024
Upgrading ram on Asus ROG STRIX Z690-G WIFI from 32 GB to 64 GB. No XMP/OC - just JEDEC. Using Kingston ValueRam. Freq = 4800 Mhz. MRC Fast Boot = enable.

From what I have read online:
1) Training not needed if using JEDEC settings
2) Even if MRC Fast Boot is enabled there will be training on first boot for new ram
3)Always disable MRC Fast Boot for first boot with new ram

Obviously these three items don't totally agree. Any clarifications would be appreciated.

Also is it worth running memtest86 after installing new ram in my situation?
More information needed. Update your post to inlcude full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age.

Include disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

= = = =

I would not be concerned about "RAM training". Or any pressing need to run memtest86.

The operating system should be able to initialize and manage RAM during and after boot.

Key is to ensure that the installed RAM is supported by the motherboard: both hardware (QVL) and the RAM slots being used. Plus any necessary or corresponding BIOS configuration settings.

That said, what memory problems (if any) warranted increasing RAM from 32 GB to 64 GB?

Software will only use the RAM that is required and it is probable that some amount of the RAM will not be used.
More information needed. Update your post to inlcude full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age.

Include disk drive(s): make, model, capacity, how full?

= = = =

I would not be concerned about "RAM training". Or any pressing need to run memtest86.

The operating system should be able to initialize and manage RAM during and after boot.

Key is to ensure that the installed RAM is supported by the motherboard: both hardware (QVL) and the RAM slots being used. Plus any necessary or corresponding BIOS configuration settings.

That said, what memory problems (if any) warranted increasing RAM from 32 GB to 64 GB?

Software will only use the RAM that is required and it is probable that some amount of the RAM will not be used.

Thanks -
WIN10 PRO with latest updates
13700K - CPU
3070TI - GPU
Super Flower LEADEX Platinum 850W
System almost 1.5 yrs old
Samsung 980 Pro 1TB Gen4 M.2 SSD - about 1/3 used
Samsung 870 EVO 4TB SATA3 2.5inch SSD - about 1/3 used

Why updating memory? - Photo editing software keeps increasing need for memory. Haven't got to the point that I'm running out of memory, but I will sooner than later. Bottom line future proofing for a small investment.
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Updating ram by adding ram may or may not work.
Now, that said, Intel is not particularly sensitive to ram.

Ram must be matched because the bios must manage all the ram using the samespecs.
It becomes more difficult if you need 4 sticks vs. 2.
Ram kits, even the same part numbers may be made with different technology.

Your motherboard will have the settings to make the ram work. Usually by increasing the voltage higher than the xmp spec.

To be absolutely save, buy a 64gb kit and sell your old ram.
If you can return the added 32gb, it is worth a try.
But, expect to specify the settings yourself, xmp may be different on different kits.

When done,
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.
Updating ram by adding ram may or may not work.
Now, that said, Intel is not particularly sensitive to ram.

Ram must be matched because the bios must manage all the ram using the samespecs.
It becomes more difficult if you need 4 sticks vs. 2.
Ram kits, even the same part numbers may be made with different technology.

Your motherboard will have the settings to make the ram work. Usually by increasing the voltage higher than the xmp spec.

To be absolutely save, buy a 64gb kit and sell your old ram.
If you can return the added 32gb, it is worth a try.
But, expect to specify the settings yourself, xmp may be different on different kits.

When done,
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.
I wasn't clear. I'm replacing the 2 x 16 GB sticks with 2 x 32GB sticks from a matched kit. Do you think "training " will apply to my situation?
You should have no issue.
The ram will boot at default speed.
In the bios, you can select the XMP profile that you want.
I am not certain about this "training" you mention.
I suspect that is what the motherboard does when if does not like the settings you specified and tries to find a set of settings that works.

Any of the available xmp settings should work right away.
You can verify what you got by checking cpu-z.
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