Upgrading to 4k Gaming


Aug 30, 2014
Hey guys,

I'm currently looking to upgrade my system to run games such as "The Division", "Arma 3", "Witcher", "Skyrim", etc etc at 4k graphics!! I need some input on what I need to upgrade to achieve playing 4k res at high to ultra settings.

My current build is:
i7 4790k
z97mx Gaming 5 Board
GTX 970
16gb Ram
Corsair 600M psu
250gb SSD

After doing some research I've concluded that the first thing I need to upgrade is my GPU as I was looking at the gtx 1080 founders edition. My only concern is that I will eventually get a second card and I'm unsure my motherboard will be able to maximize the performance they are capable of showing with only 1 PCI-E x16 slot.

My budget is pretty lenient but obviously I'm not looking to toss money around. Should I be upgrading my MoBo and GPU together to prepare for the 2nd card or is it really not needed? Or is there any other suggestions for what I may need to do before I can play demanding games at 4k res??

If you're going to go for the 1080, keep the one. If it's cheaper, I would recommend running two 980 Ti's in SLI. But I'm not sure if the one 1080 will be good enough for you. Keep in mind that if you do decide on dual cards, you need a new mobo too.
If you're going to go for the 1080, keep the one. If it's cheaper, I would recommend running two 980 Ti's in SLI. But I'm not sure if the one 1080 will be good enough for you. Keep in mind that if you do decide on dual cards, you need a new mobo too.