So its been a while since Ive built, or been messing with computers. But I bought a PC off a buddy to start tinkering again, its a low-mid level gaming PC. I seen a deal on Newegg and decided to pick up a FX 8370 CPU and upgrade. I installed it today and it wont give me even a signal to the monitor. I have a feeling I have stumbled on the issue but cant find anything definitive so heres what I'm working with and what I believe to be the issue. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!!
Current specs:
AMD Vishera FX 8370 AM3+ (125w/32nm)
Asus M4A88TD-M AM3+ (140w/45nm)
Cooler Master Hyper Evo 212 Heatsink
Asus GTX 950 Strix
16 Gig of 1866mhz Memory
240 Gig Crucial SSD
So, the PC originally had a AMD Phenom X3 2.8g and worked fine yesterday, My thoughts are that my motherboard doesnt support a 32nm chip... Ive searched and cant find anything saying that 32nm wont work in it but also havnt seen support for anything other then 45nm listed. Also no bios updates for 32nm support. Am I on to something here? I was hoping to just give the PC some fresh legs while upgrading on a budget. Any thoughts?
Current specs:
AMD Vishera FX 8370 AM3+ (125w/32nm)
Asus M4A88TD-M AM3+ (140w/45nm)
Cooler Master Hyper Evo 212 Heatsink
Asus GTX 950 Strix
16 Gig of 1866mhz Memory
240 Gig Crucial SSD
So, the PC originally had a AMD Phenom X3 2.8g and worked fine yesterday, My thoughts are that my motherboard doesnt support a 32nm chip... Ive searched and cant find anything saying that 32nm wont work in it but also havnt seen support for anything other then 45nm listed. Also no bios updates for 32nm support. Am I on to something here? I was hoping to just give the PC some fresh legs while upgrading on a budget. Any thoughts?