Upgrading to a Gaming PC


Oct 14, 2015
Well. I am upgrading my PC to a gaming one. I am already thinking to buy a gtx 970 but which? Also do i need to upgraded anything else?
PC specs:
i5 3570k
8 GB ram
500w PSU
You may need a higher PSU wattage.
What games and what resolution do ya want? Are you recording? Whats your motherboard and case so we know limitations?

I want to be able to play
Ark Survival
Fallout 4 [When it releases]
Batman Arkham Knight
and Etc
So pretty much big games. I am not recording also i have a Z77A-G41 as my motherboard and Enermax Ostrog ECA3253-BR Mid tower as as my case.
So yeah, grab a 550W or higher PSU and your ready to go. If unsure about a game, just go to its page on game debate. They have a calculator that tells you how much power your pc gas compared to what the game needs to run at minimum, GD recommended, and normal recommended settings.
Good luck!