Upgrading to a GTX 750 Ti


Jan 3, 2015
I want to upgrade my graphics card to a GTX 750 Ti. On the Nvidia website is says that the minimum PSU supply should be 300w (mine is 240w). Now this is the problem that I have been having. I have been going over many forums and some people say that a 240w PSU is enough to power a GTX 750 Ti and some say that it is not. I have even went onto the Lenovo forums (my pc is off the shelf) and one of their specialists says that it should work. As much as I want the 750 I don't want to risk the PSU blowing up. If I do need to upgrade the PSU then what would you recommend (the PSU needs to be a TFX). I am also attaching a picture of my current PSU. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

There are very limited options when it comes to TFX and other small form factor power supplies. I'd suggest that if you go with a 750 TI model that does not require supplemental power connectors in the form of 6 pin PEG connectors, you should be fine. If the card does require supplemental power, you'll want a different unit. That unit is fairly underpowered though from what's recommended, so if it's a rather older unit, replacement is a good idea. PSUs degrade over time.
There are very limited options when it comes to TFX and other small form factor power supplies. I'd suggest that if you go with a 750 TI model that does not require supplemental power connectors in the form of 6 pin PEG connectors, you should be fine. If the card does require supplemental power, you'll want a different unit. That unit is fairly underpowered though from what's recommended, so if it's a rather older unit, replacement is a good idea. PSUs degrade over time.

Thanks for all the information. My whole PC is currently 10 months old so I'm not really sure whether or not that would be considered as old.
That really depends on how old the platform was at the time you purchased it, rather than when the date you purchased it was. If you buy a system with a Core2duo tomorrow, it's still old, even if it's new, if you see what I mean?

What are your full system specs? CPU, motherboard, RAM, etc.? Or full prebuilt model number?

CPU: AMD A10 Quad core 3.7 GHz 6700
Motherboard: Only says that it was made by Lenovo
RAM: 8Gb