Upgrading to a New 750 PSU wondering if its safe?


Feb 12, 2016
I have a Dell XPS 8700 With a 475w PSU, I am buying a new 750w. I have the original case that the Dell XPS 8700 has and the GPU I have is an Nvidia 960 Mini from Asus, I also have an
I7-4790 with 8 GB of RAM and a terrabyte hard drive.

I was wondering if it would be safe to replace my old 450 PSU with my 750 PSU. I know It doesn't give off 750W it gives off the amount the computer needs. However I was wondering if my computer will get hot enough to where my PSU would fry my computer. the XPS 8700 has a vent on the back with the fan and also has a vent on the side. There is not a vent below it or anything. Only two places where there is really a vent.

The PSU doesn't have to be gold or platinum, to be a quality unit. Efficiency rating does not equal quality.
If it's a gold or platinum rated PSU then you should be fine, my system runs a 970 and an i5 overclocked, and it runs fine. Just make sure the manufacturer are reliable and that the its either gold or platinum rated.

The PSU doesn't have to be gold or platinum, to be a quality unit. Efficiency rating does not equal quality.
Why are you replacing the power supply? Just because you feel like it or are you upgrading the video card or something? If you are adding the GTX 960 card to the computer, it will run fine on the stock power supply. The 960 will be around 90-100 watts of power under load which is enough for the 475 watt CPU in the XPS to run pretty easily. Full system load will be well within range of the power supply for stable running.
I installed a top mounted 750W PSU in my Dell. Check the length and see if there's enough room between the PSU and the DVD drives, including space for the cables. I had to remove 1 DVD that was a 1/2" longer than the other due to this. Dell PSUs typically test 80 bronze, and usually produce 50W more than aftermarket units of similar rating. They are also mega dependable. I would try it without the 750 and unless you need more PCIe connectors (which is why I installed mine) I'd leave it alone. 750s tend to be bigger than 650s.

Well as of right now My games are lagging a bunch, or Stuttering, And that has happened ever since I had gotten the GTX 960 Mini. I was going to upgrade my PSU then But didn't have the funds. Also I am planning on building a new computer here soon and I wouldn't have to buy a PSU so I would also get that out of the way. I had gotten a Corsair it is Gold. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139040, My friend (Who is a computer technitian) had said that his has been working for a while and he has had a 980, 980 ti, and now a titan. I will be upgrading my GPU soon but I am not sure if I will be just building a new computer instead. But I am still going to attempt to use the 750w In my computer I am using now.

Oh 🙁 Well my friend has it and it runs his Titen Wonderfully? So would you think this would be a problem with a 960?
When you installed the GPU did you remove the old drivers first, then swap video cards, then install new drivers in that order. I don't see any reason for stuttering with good drivers. I've run both GTX750Ti, and R9-285 with a 9 year old Dell dimension with good results. Something else is wrong I think.

The CX 750w uses poor quality capacitors that have a tendency to fail, due to their low ability to handle heat.

Thats what I thought too but its crazy with the amount of Graphics lag I get from games like ARK evolved GTAV On normal setting, The Forest its crazy how stupid its been with the stuttering

Well really I don't believe I will have a problem with it, It shouldn't fry my computer if it gets over heated should it? I mean it runs a flippin titen GPU?

Yeah thats true -_- I was going to go with a gold one which is why I thought it was gold and he suggested that one. SMH I should have posted this first because it has already been bought so it will be my fault Thanks for the help everyone!