Upgrading Windows 8 HDD to smaller Windows 10 SSD

Jun 9, 2018
I am currently running Windows 8.1 on a 1 TB hard drive, of which about 850 GB is used. I recently got a 250 GB SSD, and I want to take advantage of having the new drive to upgrade to Windows 10. I don't want to do a fresh install since the reinstallation process was very complex when I transferred from an older computer. Is it possible to copy only the OS over and keep the Program Files directories on the HDD?

1. No, you can't copy over only the Windows part and leave Program files on the other drive.
Everything WILL break.

2. What size is this SSD?

3. How much consumed space is on the current drive?

4. You can't simultaneously change the OS and the drive without a clean install.
One, then the other.