USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Gaming. I currently Play Tera Online and with the lowest settings i get about 25fps on 1920x1080. It does use the Unreal Engine so I know it can be a performance hog. Im looking to get 25-40 constant with atleast almost max settings. I also play other various games(LoL, GW2, D3)
CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: XFX-HD6670 1gig, 600w Power Supply( Not sure of the maker)
OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core 2.30ghz, ECS Black GF8200A(link below), 8gigs of GSkil DDR2
PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: Newegg, Tigerdirect, really any trusted site.
MONITOR RESOLUTION: 2 21.5" LEDs running at 1920x1080
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: If you feel I need to upgrade other items(I know I need to upgrade, but I don't know that I can right now) let me know. If you think my cpu will bottleneck any of the cards please let me know. Im looking to use some of my tax refund and save a bit for getting the card and maybe other parts if I can find them cheap enough. If you want to do more research for you and find a new mobo/cpu/ram/PS GO FOR IT!🙂 Thanks in advanced!
USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: Gaming. I currently Play Tera Online and with the lowest settings i get about 25fps on 1920x1080. It does use the Unreal Engine so I know it can be a performance hog. Im looking to get 25-40 constant with atleast almost max settings. I also play other various games(LoL, GW2, D3)
CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: XFX-HD6670 1gig, 600w Power Supply( Not sure of the maker)
OTHER RELEVANT SYSTEM SPECS: AMD Phenom 9650 Quad-Core 2.30ghz, ECS Black GF8200A(link below), 8gigs of GSkil DDR2
PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: Newegg, Tigerdirect, really any trusted site.
MONITOR RESOLUTION: 2 21.5" LEDs running at 1920x1080
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: If you feel I need to upgrade other items(I know I need to upgrade, but I don't know that I can right now) let me know. If you think my cpu will bottleneck any of the cards please let me know. Im looking to use some of my tax refund and save a bit for getting the card and maybe other parts if I can find them cheap enough. If you want to do more research for you and find a new mobo/cpu/ram/PS GO FOR IT!🙂 Thanks in advanced!