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As usual, you have to purchase a PC with Vista in order to recieve an upgrade coupon from the manufacturer... MS would never give the end user an option to upgrade for free.
thanks for the help.
something perfect turned into just good. You would think that they would give you the upgrade just to get out of Vista before you switch to a Mac.
Edit: no I would never switch to a MAc
Meh... I personally like Vista and will probably put off upgrading to Win 7 for at least as long as I put off Vista... maybe longer. Right now, there is no compelling reason for me to upgrade. Once the much touted "WinFS" arrives, then that will be a compelling reason to upgrade.
I havent had much use with Vista, but Windows 7 does look very nice. It has some eye candy but not to much like Apple. It is also very simple and to the point. The main reason why I would get Windows 7 is because it is the more mature version of Windows' new architecture.
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