So i was falsely fed information about speeds i was going to be getting from Spectrum/TWC is i switched to them from verizon/frontier. I was told i'd be getting 100/100 with spectrum (by a person helping me setup service). I currently have 75/75 with verizon. I have a house full of gamers both console and pc. Turns out Spectrum only has 100/10 or 300/20. I find this out today after everything is installed from spectrum. My question is having 3 pc gamers and 2 console gamers in the house should i keep my 75/75 with verizon or is the 100/10 going to be fine with spectrum? The cost is the same either way with both companies but i feel i was lied to and should tell spectrum to get lost and take their crap with them and hook back up all my verizon stuff. Thoughts?