Upload to Comcast Voicemail

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Jan 21, 2016
I hope this is the correct thread. If not, please let me know where to post this. My company currently uses comcast as their voicemail system. Upgrading our phone systems voicemail card is going to be extremely costly and we want to avoid that. My boss wanted to have professional voicemail greetings made, so we did. They sound great. They are MP3s on my laptop. However, I have no way to get this MP3 uploaded to the comcast voicemail greeting except holding the phone up to a speaker, which sounds terrible. Is there any work around? I know we cannot upload the file directly to comcast, but is there some way to have it more clearly recorded than just holding the phone up to a speaker and play the file?

I have not done it either, but since you can play music and share it, or a presentation and share it and have the other side hear it, it should be able to play back your message during the call.

How would I do that with Skype? I know how to call in, but to use audio like that, I've never tried it.


I have not done it either, but since you can play music and share it, or a presentation and share it and have the other side hear it, it should be able to play back your message during the call.

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