UPS for laptop?

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Sep 14, 2014
Hello everyone.

Is it possible to use a UPS with my laptop?

More information:-

I live in india and the laptop battery is not available here(Asus a41-x550e)-

The battery is inside the laptop, so its hard to remove it-
My battery is dying. there are power issues where I live, so I will need an alternate power back up plan.

Thanks in advance.

sorry to ask this, but will any ups with any power work?
and how do i connect it with the laptop?(via usb or something else)

It has be be large enough to provide enough power, but where laptops use less power this shouldn't be too much of an issue. The larger the UPS the longer the battery will last. Depends on the UPS many do plug into the system via usb and has software that automatically does a soft shutdown before the battery is drained.
For clarification, the UPS does not provide power to the laptop via USB. The USB connection allows the laptop to monitor the UPS and its remaining charge, and can shut down the laptop if the UPS's power level gets low.

To provide power to the laptop in the event of a power outage, you plug the laptop's AC adapter into the UPS, and the UPS into the wall. As far as the laptop is concerned, it is connected to AC power and doesn't care if there is a UPS there or not.

i am sorry if i failed to express correctly(i am not english)
i am worried about my battery dying since i won't be able to find a replacement, so in that case, it will be a dead battery inside the laptop(since i won't be able to remove the battery), and the AC adapter will be connected to the UPS. is it safe to do so?

yes, your second paragraph is what i exactly intend to do.
by the way, is it okay if the battery is dead and i keep it inside the laptop while plugging the laptop's AC adapter into the UPS and the UPS into the wall?
is it safe if power fluctuates?
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