Lawyers, Shakespeare said.something about them...
Suing one of the most successful companies in the world for a highly profitable period in it's recent history allegedly on behalf of investors. This is the kind of abusive (frivolous is too kind) civil case where a "loser pays" rule is needed. They are damaging the company to the detriment of current owners for parasitic gains that make the world poorer.
Bingo! Nvidia has participated in aiding cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a loose cannon on the deck of national and international economic planning and stability. Nothing good will come of an elaborate Ponzi scheme that promotes avarice, greed, scalping and fraud. In the process, Nvidia is largely responsible for the scalping of video cards generally.
They could put a check in their BIOS to discourage cryptocurrency use of video cards intended for the computer marketplace but they analyzed the situation and decided that they could make more money by embracing cryptocurrency mining as a valid use of their product. Nvidia knew it would result in product shortages and raise the prices generally by reducing the available supply against the best interests of their loyal customers. They should have a separate product line for cryptocurrency "mining", priced appropriately for its monetary incentives (just like Intel charges more for a commercially intended Xeon processor for servers).
Instead Nvidia threw their loyalist customers (who are now leaving in disgust and in droves) under the bus. Nvidia investors are correct to cry foul for Nvidia corporate behavior. When cryptocurrency tanks, or is made illegal because of its inherent danger to legitimate economic investments, Nvidia will have to turn to a wiser. less loyal customer base and Nvidia's production will flood the market with oversupply, driving prices downward.
While Nvidia is playing games, AMD is conducting business. The first objective: overtake and surpass Intel in the consumer market has been accomplished. If you were an Nvidia investor, you could see what is next in AMD's crystal ball.