I just Overclcoked my cpu from 3.5ghz to 4.0 my pc keeps on crashing and I figured my volts were to low and I don’t know much about BOIS settings O have a 760GM P23 (FX) How do I turn the voltage UP
I just Overclcoked my cpu from 3.5ghz to 4.0 my pc keeps on crashing and I figured my volts were to low and I don’t know much about BOIS settings O have a 760GM P23 (FX) How do I turn the voltage UP
Board will not live very long with an oc. It can barely run an fx 6300 at stock. Return to default speeds before it dies.
I just Overclcoked my cpu from 3.5ghz to 4.0 my pc keeps on crashing and I figured my volts were to low and I don’t know much about BOIS settings O have a 760GM P23 (FX) How do I turn the voltage UP
Board will not live very long with an oc. It can barely run an fx 6300 at stock. Return to default speeds before it dies.